A Journey Through My Decks of Cards: Stories from Around the World

Do you have any collections?

Traveling has always been more than just visiting new places for me; it’s about immersing myself in the cultures, stories, and everyday lives of people from around the world. One of the most cherished and fascinating aspects of my travels has been my collection of decks of cards from various countries. Each deck is more than just a set of playing cards; it is a piece of art, a slice of history, and a glimpse into the culture from which it originates.

The Beginning of My Collection

My passion for collecting decks of cards began almost serendipitously. During a trip to Spain, I stumbled upon a small shop in Barcelona that sold beautifully designed decks featuring intricate illustrations of local landmarks and traditional costumes. The craftsmanship and the stories depicted in each card were mesmerizing. I bought the deck as a souvenir, not realizing that it would be the start of a unique collection.

Decks as Cultural Artifacts

Each deck in my collection tells a story. From the vibrant and colorful designs of a deck I found in Mexico, showcasing Day of the Dead motifs, to the elegant and minimalistic cards from Japan, reflecting the country’s aesthetic principles of simplicity and subtlety. These cards are more than just tools for games; they are cultural artifacts that offer insights into the values, history, and artistic traditions of their respective countries.

One of my favorite decks comes from India, adorned with intricate Mughal-era paintings. The cards are a celebration of Indian art and history, with each suit representing a different era of the subcontinent’s rich past. Another treasured deck is from Morocco, featuring patterns and designs inspired by the intricate tile work and architecture found in the medinas of Marrakech and Fes.

The Stories Behind the Cards

Collecting these decks has not only enriched my understanding of various cultures but also led to memorable interactions and stories. I recall meeting a local artist in Vietnam who hand-painted each card in the deck I purchased. She shared stories about her inspiration, which came from traditional Vietnamese folklore and legends. It was a conversation that deepened my appreciation for the deck and the culture it represented.

Reflecting on the Journey

Looking at my collection now, I see more than just cards. I see memories of my travels, the people I met, and the stories I heard. Each deck is a reminder of a journey, a cultural exploration, and a connection made. It’s a testament to the rich tapestry of human creativity and tradition that spans the globe.

Sharing the Experience

I hope that sharing my collection inspires others to look beyond the surface when they travel and seek out the stories and traditions that make each place unique. Collecting something as simple as a deck of cards can open doors to deeper cultural understanding and appreciation.

If you enjoyed reading about my journey through these decks of cards, I encourage you to share this blog with others who might find it interesting. Let’s spread the love for travel, culture, and the stories that connect us all.

Thank you for joining me on this reflective journey. I look forward to sharing more stories and collections with you in the future. Safe travels and happy collecting!

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Published by Alex Pendell

Embark on a journey where horizons expand, ideas flourish, and personal growth knows no bounds. Explore exotic locales, tap into uncharted territories of the mind, and become the best version of yourself. Dive into a world where every step is a new adventure, and every thought is a path towards the extraordinary. Welcome to a space that celebrates the wanderlust in all of us

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